The Showcase

"The Showcase" is the Team Event portion of the Alliance Showcase

2024 Alliance Showcase Website Graphics_Westside.png

Founded in 2016, the Alliance College Showcase and Player ID Camps is a collaboration between Columbia Premier, Eastside Timbers and Westside Metros, and has quickly grown into one of the premier Boys & Girls College Showcase and Player ID events in the Pacific Northwest.

Featuring over 160 high school aged teams from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, the Western Region and Canada, the Alliance College Showcase annually attracts 75+ college coaches from throughout the country representing all NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA divisions. 

The night prior to each Showcase event, we host our Player ID Camps that provide a platform through training and games for individual players to display their skills, athleticism, and game intelligence under the direction of attending college coaches. The college coaches will provide a structured session, facilitate competitive games, and evaluate players for potential college recruitment. 

We're excited to host your teams and players this coming December at our 2024 Alliance College Showcase and Player ID Camps. 

Showcase Results


Girls Weekend
December 13 - 15, 2024


Thank you For Attending
See you NEXT Year!

Boys Weekend
December 6 - 8, 2024


Thank you For Attending
See you NEXT Year!

What Do you Need?

  • TWO Copies of your Roster on the OFFICIAL Roster Template
    • Turn 1 into Field Marshal before your FIRST Game
    • Keep the 2nd copy with you for all games
  • Team Player Profile Sheets to give to College Coaches in attendance at your games


For More Information contact:

Jaide Graham
Tournament Director




Roster Template is REQUIRED

Click the LINK below to download the OFFICIAL Roster Template. It is a FILLABLE PDF so you can type right on the form!


The Roster Template link above is a


and is the OFFICIAL Roster Template for the Showcase. This is REQUIRED for all rosters.


 All games will be on quality turf fields in the Portland Metro area

For our U18/U19 teams we will be prioritizing games at Harmony for both weekends

College Profiles

Coaches & Managers

It is recommended that you bring to your showcase games college profiles sheets for your team. The whole TEAM should be on one sheet as described below. NOT individual sheets per player.

Have someone designated to pass these out to the College Coaches that attend your games.

  • Keep Profile sheet to 1 page back/back
  • Club Name/Logo on the profile
  • Team Name on the profile

Profile Sheet Should Include

College Profile Sheets for your team should include Club & Team Name:

Player Photo
Jersey #
Graduation Year
High School
Player contact information
Coaches contact information
College Advisor if you have one